To contact an officer, please send an email by filling in the appropriate boxes on the form below, & the state President will disseminate the information or question to the appropriate person/committee or send an email to
Bro. Leon Ross, Bro. Ryan Burchett, Bro. Charles Johnson
President: Cindy Allen (Cherokee)
1st Vice President: Diana Morris (Van Zandt)
2nd Vice President: Charlotte Johnson (Liberty)
3rd Vice President: Kristi Key (Van Zandt)
Treasurer: Jo Strong (Hopkins)
Asst. Treasurer: Lindsie Burchett (Wood)
Editor: Johnnie Ross (Liberty)
Historian: Alicia Johnson (Cherokee)
Recording Secretary: Glenda Chamberlain (Liberty)
Recording Secretary: Jackie Ricks (Wood)
Project Promoter: Vonda Grun (Plains)
Song Director: Karen Isaacs (Plains)
GMA Promoter: Hayley Rasco (Ellis-Hill)
Asst. GMA Promoter: Katie Allen (Ellis-Hill)
Sunbeam Promoter: Vera Koonce (Harris)
Asst. Sunbeam Promoter: Dera Moy (Harris)
Project Selection Committee:
Ava Pool (Liberty)
Lugene Sims (Cherokee)
Sarah Low (Liberty)
Nominating Committee:
Jeannie Walker (Tryon)
Belinda Caudle (Wood)
Paula Ferus (Central)
Front row: Lindsie Burchett, Lugene Sims, Sarah Low, Jeannie Walker, Charlotte Johnson, Karen Isaacs, Vera Koonce,
Diana Morris, & Johnnie Ross
Back row: Alicia Johnson, Cindy Allen, Glenda Chamberlain, Kristi Key, Jackie Ricks, Paula Ferus, Jo Strong,
Hayley Rasco, & Vonda Grun
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