If you are a WMA lady, you probably love WMA. You love the Lord, studying HIs Word, and sharing the gospel message. You also love to work with the children and youth in your church. Often we don't understand why every other woman in our church doesn't share that same love.
The truth is, they probably do, but the women you may be thinking of could be feeling overwhelmed with life. I know I felt that way for a while: three kids in school; schoolwork every night; preparing three meals a day; grocery shopping; finding the money for new jeans and tennis shoes (even before cell phone bills); a full-time job.
Let's consider some ways we might enlist these ladies in WMA (or maybe, church).
Encourage. Paul said, in Romans 1, he was anticipating mutual encouragement because of "each other's faith, both yours and mine." Pray that God will show them our faith, as we pray for them, asking God to show us their faith. What a great way to show encouragement - praying for our mutual faith.
Notice. In Exodus, God took notice of the plight of the people of Israel. (His chosen people) while they were in Egypt. In our mission to let Christ live through us, we should be noticing what His children are going through. God had a plan for the children of Israel, and He has a plan for His children today. Shouldn't we pray that God will use us and the we would wholeheartedly participate in His plan?
Love. Between the letters of John and James, we know that we are supposed to be showing our love to our brothers and sisters in Christ. If we do not visibly love fellow believers, then our belief comes into question. Let's pray for opportunities to demonstrate God's Love, allowing it to flow through us.
Include. Sometimes there is nothing more hurtful to an already fragile personality than to think that you've been left out. Make every effort to include all the ladies, whether they attend or not, in activties of the WMA or ladies' group. Communication is so very important. Keep everyone informed.
Stand. No matter what, stand firm in belief, conviction, and the teaching of the Word of God. Remember, we are examples to the world (and our fellow believers). We are to exhibit maturity in Christ. What an admonition for us to be what Christ expects of us to be!
Teach. The book of Titus tells us that we are to teach the younger ladies, and tells us what to teach, "so that the Word of God may not be reviled." Fellow WMA ladies, we need to be teaching our younger ladies, even if we have to step outside the walls of the church to do so. Again, pray that God will grant us opportunities.
You are the Potter, I am the Clay
In my quiet time on New Years Day, God led me to thoughts of the potter and clay. Isaiah speaks of this metaphor several times: 26:16, 45:9, & 64:8. The first two references speak of the clay not questioning the potter. The clay does not have the right to question the potter about design, beauty, or usefulness. The clay just accepts the potter’s purpose, the potter’s redesign, the potter’s control. But it was Isaiah 64:8 that got me to thinking. “Yet Lord, you are our Father, we are the clay, and you are our potter, we all are the work of your hands.” I am not an artist and have never tried to craft anything out of clay, but I have done a Playdoh sculpture or two in my life. So that is what I am basing my knowledge of clay on.
For the clay to be useful, it has to be pliable. While the potter is creating a work of art (just like God is creating you) he sprinkles water on the clay. The water makes the clay useable. God does the same things for us. He splashes a good sermon over us on Sunday, during our quiet time a scripture jumps off the page and speaks right into our situation, a friend sends a text of encouragement at just the right time. God uses these splashes to help us be useful in his kingdom, to help us be created in to the image he has for us. If the potter’s clay sits out in the air for too long, it becomes dry and is not useful for the potter. If he tries to use this dry clay it will just shatter. We, as God’s clay, do the same thing if we are left drying in the world too long. We can let the cares of the world suck all the goodness out of us. We get weary in well doing, our energy is drained by situations and circumstances. Just as there is proper storage for the clay, there is proper storage for our hearts, minds, and souls. Romans 12:2 “Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.” Our minds need to be placed in the container of God’s word, prayer, Bible reading, and communion fellow believers. Being filled with these things will make us pliable for his use. But it takes effort. I am sure after a long day of molding and sculpting the tired potter would rather just walk away from the shop, but if he doesn’t put things in their proper place, tomorrow will not go well. If we do not allow God to pour in to us, if we do not make our time with him a priority, church attendance a priority, fellowship with other believers a priority, we will find ourselves useless to him. We have to put forth the effort.
The good news is there is hope for old, dried out clay. Remember the water the potter sprinkled on the clay. In copious amounts, water can restore the clay to a useable form. The same works with us. If we return to the word, to church, to prayer, to fellowship, our clay becomes malleable again. Useful in the hands of our great Potter. As Veggie Tales taught our boys a long time ago, “Our God is a God of second chances.” Psalms 51 clearly shows this. We can never become too dry or too brittle for God not to restore us and use us, for his honor and his glory. No one can. You may not be the dry piece of clay, it may be someone in your life: a child who has strayed, a friend who has become hardened with circumstances, a loved one who is allowing another potter to shape their destiny. Don’t give up on them or God. He is the potter; we are the clay.
Lord, as we enter a new year help us to accept your molding of our lives, our thoughts, our desires. Help us to allow you to create a beautiful thing out of our lives. The creation you envisioned from the very beginning. And let us fulfil your purpose in our lives. If we begin the new year not being moldable, splash us with your resources, renew a right spirit in us, and shape us for your kingdom’s work. In Jesus’ name, Amen
Cindy Allen
Texas WMA President
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